My Experience with CBD Oil

Today I’m talking about what some may consider a taboo topic, but I’m here to break that stereotype!  CBD oil.  I’ve been intrigued by CBD oil for awhile, but always felt overwhelmed by the options out there, and what was/wasn’t legit.  A blogging friend of mine {Katy from Grace in the Crumbs} introduced me to Equilibria recently, and now it’s hard to imagine not taking it everyday!

CBD for women by Equilibria

What is CBD Oil?

Before I go into more detail about the brand I’m using, let’s level set for a second.  Equilibria is a full-spectrum CBD which means it does contain .3% THC. This is 100% federally legal and will NOT get you high!  CBD is a natural ingredient that’s found within industrial hemp flowers.  It is safe AND legal, AND clinically proven to positively impact mental and physical well-being when taken consistently.

What kind of CBD should you use?

I think the best thing to do when choosing a CBD is to really do your research and understand where it’s coming from.  It seems as though many brands these days have a CBD line, but it might not always be their main focus as a brand.  It’s also important to consult with your physician anytime you are introducing a new supplement such as CBD to your body.  I was drawn to Equilibria for two reasons:

1. Equilibria is committed to creating a product for women, by women.

Equilibria is based in Chicago, and was started by two women.  They are committed to creating a product that is designed for women’s bodies.  Equilibria takes into consideration all the phases our bodies and lives go through as women.

All of their oils are fully traceable from their exclusive farm partner, and hand harvested to produce the highest quality product.  Equilibria CBD products are free of GMOs, solvents, heavy-metals, pesticides and herbicides

2.   The elevated experience.

When you purchase from Equilibria you will have the option to set up an appointment via email or phone call with a dosing specialist at no additional cost. And it doesn’t have to be just a one time interaction, my specialist has followed up several times and I’ve been able to reach her whenever I’ve had questions.

The marketer in me loves the packaging.  It feels like it fits in right with the rest of my daily routines, which I love.  In the past, I have been turned off by CBD oil simply by some of the packaging!

Equilibria Daily CBD Oil Drops

How to use CBD oil?

This will vary by each individual, but the big thing to remember is CONSISTENCY.  It’s not something that you do every now and then, it truly needs to become part of your daily routine to see the true benefits.

For me, I started with their recommended 10mg (one full dropper of the Equilibria Daily Drops) before bed. Place the daily drops under your tongue for one minute before swallowing. Then, one soft gel capsule (10mg) each morning.  I did this for two weeks, and started to notice some subtle changes (more on that below).  Some of these quarantine days have been tougher than others, and I quickly noticed that I could use a little more.  I consulted with my dosing specialist and she suggested trying an as-needed episodic dose whenever I’m feeling a little extra stressed.  In my case, this has been 5mg of the daily drops and I’ve noticed positive results from this recommendation.

What does CBD oil taste like?

The drops do have a flavor to them – it’s not bad, but I would say it is a bit earthy.  I promise you will not gag! The soft gels have no taste.

What differences will you see with CBD oil?

For me the differences have been INCREDIBLY noticeable.  I started taking Equilibria a couple of weeks into quarantine, which means our home school / work from home / care for the kids / make 3 meals a day / all the other things you can think of were well underway.  The first few weeks of quarantine were difficult. I was getting worked up very early on in the day.  After about a week of taking Equilibria consistently, I was able to see the changes.  I feel less agitated, and slower to “snap” if you will, haha!  I’ve also felt more focused.  Let’s be real, 100% focus during a 2 month quarantine with two kids is not possible, however when I have had time to myself for work my mind feels more clear and focused on what I’m doing in that moment.  Not as many racing thoughts as I’ve previously experienced.

Equilibria CBD drops and capsules for women

Should I try CBD Oil?

As I mentioned above, it is best to consult with your physician before starting any sort of supplement like this.  The Equilibria website is incredibly helpful, and I suggest starting there to gather more info for your physician.  If it’s something you keep thinking about, then it’s worth the conversation.

If you’re interested in getting started on your own CBD journey, Equilibria is offering all of you 15% off your first order.   Click here to get started, or enter the coupon code “emmyloustyles” at check-out.  

The wonderful women at Equilibria have also been gracious enough to allow me to give away TWO Balance Boxes!  To enter, comment below with why you want to try Equilibria!  I’ll be sharing the giveaway on my IG feed later today too, so be sure to like/comment!  Giveaway is open to U.S. residents only.  Winners will be notified by Monday 5/4/20!

If you have any questions at all, do not hesitate to reach out to me!  I’m happy to help share my experience to better guide you in your CBD journey!

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This post may contain affiliate links, which means I receive a commission if you choose to purchase through links I provide (at no extra cost to you).



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  • I am very interested in this! I have always thought about trying CBD for anxiety, I just need a little something to “take the edge off”, if you will. And I completely agree with you regarding the packaging! No huge pot leaves for me, thank you very much! ???? I am going to take a look at this company, thanks for sharing your experiences!

    • Exactly on the packaging LOL! Why does everything have to have a huge pot leaf!? Let me know if you have more questions – happy to help!

  • Hi Emily!
    I got interested in CBD about 3 years ago now.
    Definitely a believer! However like anything it needs to be part of a routine and I fell off the wagon… trying to get motivated again. Reading your post today got me thinking I need to make it a priority again!

    You are doing a great job by the way!

    All the best to you and Steve and the adorable kiddos

    • Thanks for reading Judy! I hope you and your family are well too! I have been so skeptical but this brand resonated with me and I’m hoping I can stick with it!

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About Emily

Hi! I’m Emily; wife, mom of two, and all things digital freelance entrepreneur! This is a space where I share my love of all things style, home, family, DIY and more here in Saint Louis, MO. I’m so glad you’re here!

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