It seems as though lately, clean beauty and skincare talk is all around us. I’ll be the first to admit, I feel a little late to the game but I’ve started to do my research and I’m committed to making some changes. Switching to a natural deodorant was one of the first changes I made when it comes to clean skincare. This was a very personal decision for me due to some recent health changes in my family. It goes without saying…but I’m not a doctor (or scientist), I’m doing what feels right for me in this moment of my life. Here are three reasons why I switched to natural deodorant.

A safer choice
There is some research out there that states the aluminium in antiperspirants might be linked to breast cancer and Alzheimer’s Disease. Some research states that the compounds contained in aluminum could also cause infertility issues. Alzheimer’s Disease is something that has affected my family in recent years, so this information hits close to home. If switching to a natural deodorant prolongs my memory in some way, then I’m here for it.
It’s healthy
Did you know you’re actually supposed to sweat? It’s good for your body. It’s a sign that we are releasing toxins. I actually never really even thought about how antiperspirants work. And it wasn’t until I started becoming serious about sticking with a natural deodorant that I actually googled how antiperspirants work…here is how they are defined on Degree Dedorants website:
“Aluminium salts – the active ingredient found in antiperspirants – dissolve into the moisture on the skin’s surface. This forms a gel, which temporarily sits on top of the sweat gland, reducing the amount of sweat released.”
For some reason this kind of blew my mind.
Avoid clothing stains
Unfortunately I used to be notorious for having pit stains on white clothes. Eww gross. I always thought it was from sweat, but it’s actually more so the chemical reaction that your sweat has with the ingredients (such as aluminium) in antiperspirants. Since using Native deodorant (the only brand I have used consistently), I have seen a decrease in “sweat” stains on my white clothing since switching to a natural deodorant! Hooray for white tees lasting longer. I do see the occasional white mark on black colored clothing, but that always easily wipes off.
I recently asked what questions you have regarding natural deodorant and the response was overwhelming. It’s definitely a topic people are interested in, but also very skeptical (which I TOTALLY get). Read on to see the most asked ?’s I received. If you don’t see an answer to yours, just drop it in the comments below and I will get back to you!
Does it work?
Keep in mind, no matter what brand of natural deodorant you choose you may sweat. That being said, I have found that my body has adjusted and I rarely have to reapply during the day. I keep a small travel size with me in my purse in case I need to reapply. I tend to run into issues when I’m wearing certain types of materials, or if something I’m wearing is too constricting.
How to not stink when wearing it?
Haha – this one made me laugh. It is going to take your body a little bit of time to adjust (it took me about 2 months to feel fully adjusted). Get yourself an extra stick and keep it with you at all times.
Does it work even when working out?
I take barre3 which is a great deal of cardio so I work up a decent sweat and I personally have not had a problem with smell. I honestly think it really depends on the individual. You could always wear an antiperspirant when working out, and use natural deodorant on other days. Everything in moderation!
Which brand / scent do you recommend?
I have been happiest with Native, and I mostly stick to the Coconut / Vanilla scent. I recently discovered the Rose scent too which has been nice for summer. Neither scent is overpowering which I like.
I tried a few other brands when I was switching, and here were my thoughts:
- LaVanilla – I LOVED the scent, but felt like I smelled B.O. after a few hours of wearing and not even doing much physical activity.
- Tom’s – this one probably deserved another go by me, but I had already found Native at that point. I didn’t like the scent I purchased. Overall it’s a decent less expensive option if you’re looking to dip your toe in the water on natural deodorant.
- Crystal – this is another inexpensive option that can be found at your local drugstore. However, it made my armpits itch and they felt super sticky.
How long did the transition period take for you?
Approximately 2 months.
Did you get itchy pits when using natural deodorant?
I don’t get itchy pits with Native, however I did experience itchy pits with the Crystal brand.
Does Native stain your clothes?
I haven’t noticed any staining. I do sometimes get white marks, but those easily wipe off with a cloth.
Since I have been so happy with my switch to natural deodorant…in particular Native, I’m giving away a deodorant and bodywash to ONE lucky follower! To enter, just subscribe to my newsletter by entering your email here!
I will choose a winner on 8/13/19! Giveaway open to U.S. residents only.
Another area of my life where I’m trying to clean up my act a bit is in my skincare routine. You can read more about my everyday regimen here.
Great post! I’m already a subscriber to your blog 🙂
Thx Rose! I’ll make sure you’re entered!
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