12 Spring Walmart Finds for Women + Kids

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I often find myself running errands on evenings when Layla has dance class and this week was no exception.  I popped into Walmart to grab a few essentials, but then ended up in the kids section.  HOLY MOLY.  I stocked up on spring and summer finds for both of them. I may have grabbed a thing or two for myself as well.

Their kids stuff is so inexpensive and great for the wear and tear that kids have on their clothes. It also doesn’t hurt that it’s cute too!  I linked the stuff that I could find online, but some items are in store finds only.

Let me know if you have any questions about anything!  Also, be sure to check out my previous Walmart Finds post too!



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About Emily

Hi! I’m Emily; wife, mom of two, and all things digital freelance entrepreneur! This is a space where I share my love of all things style, home, family, DIY and more here in Saint Louis, MO. I’m so glad you’re here!

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